The easiest way to remember & share passwords securely

Unfortunately, we can no longer maintain Mitro. On October 6th, 2015 it will be shut down. Please follow the directions below to export your data and remove the extension. We will delete all data on October 31st, 2015. Thank you for your support, and sorry for the inconvenience. If you wish to transfer to an alternative password manager, Passopolis is using the Mitro code, but is not affiliated with us in any way. We also recommend 1Password, Dashlane, or LastPass.


  • September 24th: Mitro will be read-only.
  • October 6th: Mitro will be turned off.
  • October 31st: All Mitro user data will be permanently destroyed.

Export your data

  1. Click the Mitro extension button.
  2. Click the gear in the lower right corner.
  3. Click "Export Secrets".
  4. Click the "Export to CSV" button.
  5. WAIT: The export is very slow if you have a lot of secrets (e.g. 10-30 minutes). It will look like nothing is happening, but it is.
  6. When it is done, the page will download a file called "mitro-passwords.csv" and show the text "Export Complete".

The mitro-passwords.csv file is in LastPass format, and can be imported into 1Password or LastPass.

Remove the extension

  1. Right click on the Mitro extension button (or hold the "control" key and click on Mac).
  2. Choose "Remove from Chrome".
  3. Click the "Remove" button.


Please see Vijay's detailed description.